Free access to FindMyPast's military records - 8-11 November 2019
Nov 8, 20191 min read
To commemorate Remembrance Day, FindMyPast UK is providing free access to their military records up to and including 11 November 2019.
Grave of an unknown Australian soldier at Souda Bay war cemetery, Crete, Greece. Copyright : Your Family Genealogist 2019
FindMyPast claims to have 12.5 million military records covering:
The Boer War;
World War 1;
World War 2;
Civil War and rebellion;
Other conflicts;
Medal rolls and honours;
Regimental service records.
I've had excellent results from the FindMyPast's military collection in the past dating back to the 1700s and early 1800s, so get over there and start searching. It is a great opportunity to try and fill in some of the blanks for your military ancestors.
You will need to register if you don't have an account with FindMyPast already (but you won't need to provide your birth date which is optional).
Feel free to share this post with any friends or family who might be interested.
Souda Bay war cemetery, Crete, Greece.Copyright : Your Family Genealogist 2019
Happy ancestor hunting.
Therese Lynch
Your Family Genealogist
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Pictures : Your Family Genealogist's own collection and Pixabay